South English, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following demographic data is provided for South English City. The data reflects the city's population and the area's current conditions. In addition, the figures show how many residents are aged 65 and over. Coventry's population is comprised of 248,117 adults - 65.3% of whom are of prime working age. The other half of its population is aged 65 and older. For the most recent figures, see the following table.

The city's population is increasingly diverse, with one-third of the population coming from ethnic backgrounds other than White British. The next most common ethnic group is Black African, with 16.3% of the population being of that race. The White Other group makes up 4.9% of the population. Black Africans make up about four percent of the population in the city, almost twice as high as the national average. Chinese, Nigerian, and Cameroonian communities have recently emerged, and there are more ethnic minorities than in any other city in England.

As the largest English city in the South West, Bristol has a population of four hundred thousand. The growth in the city is slow but in line with the overall trend in England. The city's population growth is estimated to be 0.5% in 2019-20. This is a low rate compared to many other 'Core Cities', but the city's population has a huge impact on the area's future demographics.