Terril, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics and facts will give you an idea of the population and steets in Terril, Iowa. The city's population is estimated to be 338 at the time of the 2020 census. Its median home value is $63,900. The home appreciation over the last 10 years has been 3.9%. The area is located in Dickinson County. In addition to the city's population, Terril is home to three universities.

The median age of residents in the city was 39.4 years old. Among those under the age of 18, 9.2% lived in the city. Those between 18 and 24 years old were 22.8%, followed by 25-44-year-olds. Those aged 65 or older made up the remaining 28.1% of households. The gender ratio was 52.9% male to every 100 female, and the median household size was 2.37 people.

The median household income in Terril, IA is $37,917. This is lower than the state average of $65,712 per year. However, males make more than women, with a 1.4x higher share of 2-car households. This suggests that the city's income is more evenly distributed than the national average. The largest industry in Terril, IA is Retail Trade. Other major industries include Health Care & Social Assistance, Transportation & Warehousing, and Finance & Real Estate & Rental - Leasing.

The city is situated in Kaufman County and is approximately 25 miles east of Dallas. It is accessible via Interstate 20 and U.S. 80. It also has access to S.H. 34 and S.H. 205. Its main intersection is F.M.148. There is an extensive arts scene in Terrell. Performing and fine arts venues are available for locals to attend. Several festivals showcase local talent.