Toeterville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Toerville City, Illinois. The following map shows how diverse the city is. Green areas are more diverse, and red areas are less so. The most diverse areas in Toeterville are those where a mix of races lives together. Red areas are more homogeneous, with all white residents. Read on to learn more about the city's diverse population and how to use this data to make informed decisions.

Evictions in Toeterville City are relatively low compared to Manchester or Sargeant, which have significantly more evictions. It's important to note, though, that some addresses have more than one eviction case each year. That's why Toeterville is considered a safe place to live for renters. With a population of over 2,500, Toeterville is not only a good place to live, but also a good place to raise a family.

Robbery rates in Toeterville are relatively low in contrast to other parts of the city. A crime rate of 1 in 8,971 can be found in the northwest area of the city, whereas it can be as low as one in 27,288 in the southeast. This makes comparisons between Toeterville's population and crime rate a difficult task. While the city's population is relatively low, crime rates are higher in the northwest and west neighborhoods.