Assaria, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Assaria City? A quick glance at Assaria's population and demographics can shed some light on the city's economic health. The median household income is $51,250, while the percentage of foreign-born residents is well below the state average. The county also ranks highly on several key economic indicators, including racial diversity. Below is a breakdown of the city's population and steets by race.

In terms of evictions, Assaria is less likely to have eviction cases than nearby towns, such as Burns. Eviction rates are lower in Assaria, too, but they are higher in Windom and Burns. The city has a lower percentage of renter-occupied housing units than the surrounding towns, so residents need to watch for evictions. In terms of the quality of life, Assaria has an excellent reputation for being a safe place to live.

In terms of the number of single people, Assaria has 67% of households headed by a married couple, while Falun has 100%. Single women make up a smaller portion of the population than men. Compared to Kansas, Assaria has a higher percentage of female-headed households than male-headed households. This shows a lack of social support for single people in the city.

The median property value in Assaria, KS was $121,300 in 2019 and is 0.504 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rate is 86.1% and the median age is 43 years old. There are approximately 2 cars per household, and most people commute alone. If you're looking for more information on Assaria, KS, please visit the city's website.