Bel Aire, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bel Aire, Kansas is approximately 7.86k people. Its median household income is N/A, which makes the city's poverty rate 5.31% lower than the national average. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Bel Aire, KS are White, Black or African American, and Asian. The highest percentage of residents who live in poverty are White, but there are also many people of other races.

Bel Aire is a small, diverse city. The population is primarily White, but there are many African-American residents, and people of German, English, and Irish ancestry. English is the dominant language in the city, but Spanish and Polish are important languages. While English is the primary language in Bel Aire, some residents speak French, German, and Polish. However, there are some ethnic groups that are not represented in the city.

Despite the city's name, Bel Air has a history of transformation. The town started as "Scott's Old Fields" in 1731, and was later designated as the county seat of Harford County in 1782. As locals purchased lots from Scott, the town's name was changed to Belle Aire. In 1874, the town incorporated and dropped the "e" altogether.

The population of Bel Aire is just over one thousand people. The town is a good fit for families with young children, as young adults tend to be in smaller numbers. Almost a quarter of residents live in a rental. Those who own a home save around $6,800 a year on rent. When renting, it is possible to save as much as $800 per month.