Berryton, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Berrytown, Kansas? If so, this article can help you with your search. It contains demographics of Berryton City and other nearby cities and towns. You can use these statistics to find out more about Berryton and the surrounding area. Just remember that population and steets may be slightly higher in larger cities than in small towns.

If you're looking for information about the population of Berryton, Kansas, you'll want to know how diverse the area is. This map shows the race and ethnicity of residents based on self-identification on the US census. The darker the shade, the greater the racial majority. The diversity map shows the percentage of races in Berryton. Green areas show more diversity, while red areas show less diversity.

This list of streets in Berryton City, Kansas, is part of Google Maps and Google Photos. You can save these maps to your favorites, or link to them using the address below. The URL address is for reference purposes only. Please note that BERRYTON, Kansas, is located within the Topeka, Kansas Metropolitan Statistical Area. It has a population of approximately 220 people.