Bird City, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Bird City is provided by the US Postal Service (USPS) for Cheyenne County. Its default name is Bird City. The population is given as 2010 and 2020. The population of the city is also given by street name and ZIP code. The Bird City Museum also has some detail such as phone number. The population of the city was last checked in 2011.

Violent Crime Statistics: Based on the FBI's data, the population of Bird City is expected to be around 432 by the year 2020. This number is falling at a rate of 0.00 percent each year. In the last census, the city's population decreased by -2.92%. The median age is 43. There are several crime-prone areas in the city, but the South is considered the safest.

Demographics: In addition to a city's demographics, the population of Bird City is quite diverse. Ninety percent of residents have at least a high school education, while twenty-one percent hold a bachelor's degree or higher. Twenty-one percent of residents are employed by the government, while 21.4% are employed by a private business. Meanwhile, the median household income in Bird City is $40,455 and the median home value is $82,200. The home appreciation rate over the past decade is 3.7%.

The US Postal Service's USPS code for BIRD CITY is 67731. The Bird City concept has been around since 2010, and has been recognized in many states. The United States Postal Service's Urban Bird Treaty Program and the USFWS Region 3 are some of the major partners. You can visit the Bird City website to learn more about your neighbors and where to buy food.