Bison, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The poverty rate in Bison City, South Dakota is 6.9%. In contrast, the poverty rate in neighboring Hebron and Baker is 7.2%. The median gross rent in Bison is $530 a month. There are many things to consider when deciding whether to move to Bison. The following is a breakdown of the socioeconomic characteristics of the city. It may surprise you to know that a majority of households live in rented housing.

In 2019, there were 308 residents in Bison, SD. The population increased 1.99% from the previous year. While there were only 14 Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, they constituted the second most common ethnic group in Bison, SD. Overall, 0% of the population is hispanic. The chart below shows the seven races in Bison, SD by their percentage of the total population. In South Dakota, the most common foreign birth country was Mexico, with 3,277 citizens. Other common foreign countries of birth included Ethiopia with 2,274 Bison, SD residents.

The bison population in Grodno grew from seventy-eight to 1,898 bison in less than twenty years. Then, it dropped from 1,898 bison to 500. The government and private companies are working together to protect the bison. A large portion of government land has been leased to James Phillips, better known as "Scotty," and C.J. Jones. These ranchers are raising bison and conducting experiments with the animals. One of them, "Buffalo," is even naming the crossbreed bison, a hybrid between a bison and a Galloway cattle.