Bluff City, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Using Radaris to determine the population of a city, you can easily determine the gender ratio. In Bluff City KS, there are 111 people. Of this total, 70.3% are male, while 29.7% are female. This ratio is better than the Kansas average of 49.6% to 50.8%. Therefore, if you are considering moving to Bluff City KS, you can use Radaris as your guide.

Bluff City is located in Nevada County, around thirty miles east of Hope. The population is around 150. This town dates to the 1850s, and most likely reached its peak around 1910. It was once a boarding school for several counties, with students boarded with local families. In fact, it had four physicians during the Civil War! Today, the population of Bluff City is around 150 people.

The median household income in Bluff City is $43,036. It is important to note that only 16.1% of Bluff City residents are employed by the government. This number is much higher than that of many other small cities in Tennessee. However, there are some things that you should know before moving to Bluff City. The median age of Bluff City residents is thirty-two years old, and they are all white. Furthermore, 93.8% of the population has a high school degree, while 19.4% holds a bachelor's degree.

The Bluff City population includes people of all races and ethnicities. The City has a low poverty rate of 0.00 percent for part-time workers and a high rate of unemployment among the unemployed. In addition to citizens, the city has many non-citizens, including legal permanent residents, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants. Although the population of Bluff City is white, there are 0.1% of non-citizens living in Bluff City.