Buhler, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in BuHler City? The following are some statistics on the population of Buhler City, Kansas. You can use these statistics to decide whether a city is worth living in. A higher number of educated people means that the city is more likely to grow economically. Regardless of gender, higher numbers of educated people mean a city has more potential.

Buhler is located in Reno County, Kansas. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 1,327. Its median household income was $54,145. The median age for residents is 43.4 years old. The city has a low poverty rate of 7.6%. The median house value in Buhler is $99,000. The median age for males is 43.4 years.

There are around 1,600 people in Buhler, KS. Of these people, 7.0% of the population are foreign born. The average household size in Buhler is 2.6 people. Compared to other cities in Kansas, Buhler has a low percentage of immigrants. This is good news for residents, as it means the city will be able to continue to grow and prosper as it does.

Buhler, KS has a low percentage of single people. Its population of adult men is just over 40%. In comparison, South Hutchinson has a higher percentage of single people. The area is much smaller than most American cities. If you are looking for a place to live in, Buhler might be a great choice. You can use these statistics to plan your move and determine where you should move.