Burlingame, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to move to Burlingame City, CA, you should consider knowing its demographics. Below is information about the city's population, including the percent of the total population that is foreign-born and the percentage of people that are native-born. The median age of the Burlingame population is 40.1 years. Foreign-born residents are more likely to be male than female, and they make up 29.2% of the total population.

The population of Burlingame is comprised of professionals, those working in the health and education industries, and retail trade. Around 74% of people in Burlingame drive to work every day. Some major employers are Virgin America, Wright Medical Technology, and United Natural Food. Additionally, the city is connected to Interstate 280 by Highway 35. Caltrain began serving Burlingame in 1985, when it purchased the former Southern Pacific. It operated out of the same depot from the early twentieth century.

If you are looking for a home in Burlingame, California, you have many options available. You can use data provided by Movoto Inc. to find the best location for your needs. The city offers many desirable neighborhoods and is a desirable place to live. When choosing a home, keep the above information in mind as you search for the right property. Our data will make your search easier!

Burlingame is a largely suburban town located in the Silicon Valley, between San Francisco and San Jose. The city has a population of around 28,806. This is an impressive density for a city that size. Its demographics are spread out in age, with nearly 14% of the population under the age of 18, while 30.8% are between the ages of 25 and 44.