Chanute, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Chanute is located in Neosho, Kansas. The default name for this city is Chanute. This is the same name that is used by the United States Postal Service. The median family income is $36,630, and the per capita income is $16,284. There are approximately 4,699 people living in Chanute, and the median age is 38 years old. According to the 2010 census, Chanute's population was 4,699, and the median family income was $36,630. According to the census, 12.0% of households and 15.0% of the population were living below the poverty line. The city is also home to Neosho County Community College, which serves just under 3,200 students.

The community benefits from a comprehensive SWOT analysis. In today's competitive economic development environment, a community should assess its strengths and weaknesses and how to best leverage these to benefit the community. A comprehensive SWOT analysis is a vital tool to develop a community's long-term economic development. It can help a community determine its strengths, weaknesses, and assets. Here are the top five reasons why a community should conduct a SWOT analysis:

89.8% of Chanute residents are White, with just 0.4% being of a non-white race. Twenty-six percent of Chanute residents are employed in government jobs. The median household income is $36,838. In Chanute, 61.1% of households live below the poverty line, while 37.0% of children live below the poverty line. In terms of education, the average age of Chanute city residents is high, with an 84.6% college education.