Colwich, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent census data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census shows that population and steets in Colwich City are relatively high compared to the national average. According to this data, 85.3% of all housing units are owner-occupied, while 15.0% are rented. The city has a diverse economy with a mix of manufacturing and agriculture. In fact, the city was home to a large number of aircraft design and production facilities during World War II, and continues to be home to many aviation firms.

The median home value in Colwich, KS is $149,600, and 85% of Colwich residents are homeowners. While 85% of Colwich residents own their own homes, most commute alone to work. The average commute time is 19 minutes, and the median car ownership is two. The city has a population of approximately 1,270 people. Although this number may seem low, it should be considered a representative sample of the demographics of the city.

The median age for Colwich City is 30.9, with both male and female residents. There are also 12.2% of those who are 65 years of age or older. The median age of all Colwich residents is 30.9. In terms of ethnicity, the most common ancestry is European. Eighty-seven percent of Kansas residents are white. One percent of residents are Native American. In addition to whites, about 0.9% of Colwich's population are immigrants from other countries. In addition to American citizens, Mexico and Vietnam are common places of birth for foreign-born residents.