Council Grove, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a quick look at the population and steets of Council Grove City, Kansas, visit the United States Census Bureau. These statistics are based on the most recent data available. The United States Census Bureau keeps this data on its website. The city has an estimated population of 2,140 residents as of the most recent census. In 1857, the first European-American settlers settled here. They were the great-grandsons of Daniel Boone. The Santa Fe Trail ran through Council Grove. The town's oldest stone home, the Rawlinson-Terwilliger Home, is now the Trail Days Cafe & Museum. In 1857, Seth M. Hays opened the Hays House restaurant, which is the oldest continuously operating restaurant west of the Mississippi River.

The population of the city is quite diverse. About twenty-four percent of the population is under the age of 18, while 6.5% are between the ages of 25 and 44. The median age is 42. There are fewer foreign-born residents than you might think, but the number of foreign-born residents is significantly higher than that of the state's population. The population of Council Grove City is significantly older than the state average and has a low percentage of foreign-born residents.

In addition to the election results, the council may hold an organizational meeting to elect a new council. However, the meeting must occur by December or the first regular council meeting of November if the election is a partisan election. Session Laws 1983, c. 636, s. 26 requires that a public hearing be held before a referendum is held. You can also request a public hearing on the proposed population & steets in Council Grove City by filling out this online form.