Coyville, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Coyville City, Kansas? This article will provide you with the latest information on Coyville, KS. Specifically, you'll learn about the median household income and the racial and ethnic makeup of Coyville. The median household income in Coyville, KS is $68,750, which is above the national average of $65,712. The number of people in Coyville, KS who are considered to be below the poverty line is 33. Those individuals who earn less than the poverty line are categorized as being Native American, White, or Black.

The median property value in Coyville, KS was N/A in 2018 and is expected to increase slightly in 2019. Interestingly, however, the majority of Coyville, KS households own two or more vehicles. The percentage of car ownership is higher than the national average, at 100 percent. Regardless of car ownership, most Coyville, KS residents are insured. Eighty-five percent of Coyville, KS residents are on employer-sponsored health plans. The rest are on Medicaid or Medicare and/or non-group plans.