Delphos, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Delphos City has a total population of 36,347. The population is spread across four census tracts and is mostly concentrated in the city center. The following tables show the population and steets of the surrounding areas. You can use this data to find out more about Delphos City. These numbers are accurate as of the 2010 Census. You can also use this data to compare Delphos, OH to other nearby towns.

There are two areas of the city with low crime rates: parks and major airports. While there are few residents near these areas, crime rates can appear to be higher. But bear in mind that crime occurs everywhere. The most dangerous areas are those with more retail establishments, which is where the majority of crime occurs. So, when comparing crime rates in different neighborhoods, the central part of the city has a lower crime rate.

This study also revealed the age distribution of residents in Delphos, OH. In 2019, Delphos had the second-largest percentage of people under the age of 20. In comparison, Fort Jennings had the highest proportion of people aged forty-to-49 years. In terms of gender distribution, the city of Delphos has a relatively homogenous population. However, it is important to note that women outnumber men in Delphos.

The median income of residents in Delphos, OH is $870, a slightly higher than average. The median income is $31,300, which is a bit higher than the national average. In addition to being a walkable neighborhood, most people in Delphos also drive their private automobiles. And this is the reason Delphos is so unique and desirable. This city is definitely worth considering for any new home buyer.