Ellis, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population and steets statistics for Ellis City, Kansas? If you do, you'll find them in this article. These numbers provide an overview of the city's racial and ethnic makeup, as well as how many people are employed in the city. The following table presents the number of people employed in various types of jobs in Ellis. You can also see the percentage of unemployed residents, as well as the percentage of individuals who have different types of insurance.

The population of this area is comprised of various parts of the city. To learn more about the demographics of each place, visit the Town & City Search. You can also view property tax data for each place. The data is updated quarterly. During the 2016 census, there were 1,263 people who were living in Ellis City. However, they were evicted due to bankruptcy and other financial reasons. Consequently, they are now seeking a deed for $900,000.

In 1863, the city's population nearly doubled, putting the city at a high risk for riots and crime. The Five Points neighborhood became synonymous with crime, as depicted in the 2002 film The Gangs of New York. It was the epicenter of the Draft Riots and became known as Brickbat Manor and the Gates of Hell. It is no wonder that there were riots, crime, and squalor in this area.