Ensign, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Ensig City can help you determine the quality of life in the area. Ensign has 63% homeowner-occupied households and an average household size of 2.1. While the population statistics of the city can help you determine its safety, they are not always intuitive. The violent crime rate for Ensign resembles the population map of the state. If you are comparing Ensign's violent crime rate to the population of your state, you will find that Ensign has a lower rate than the state.

There are many cities and towns nearby Ensign, Kansas. Whether you're planning a business trip or just want to explore the area, you can find a map to help you decide which cities are closest to Ensign. There are several big cities within 159 miles of Ensign, KS. For example, there are three major universities within 30 miles of the city. You can also search for towns that are 100 miles away from Ensign, KS to find out if you'll find a good restaurant or bar.

In addition to the population, you may want to consider the quality of the neighborhood. Do the houses in the neighborhood look alike? Is there sufficient parking for your car? Do all the houses have garages? These factors can help you decide whether or not to move to Ensign. It's also a good idea to consider the maintenance of the neighborhood. It's important to find out the number of children in the neighborhood.