Geuda Springs, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will look at the population and steets of Geuda Springs City. The percentage of black residents is lower than that of other cities in Kansas. In fact, Geuda Springs has a lower than average rate of poverty. In Geuda Springs, 12.4% of the population lives below the poverty line. The percentage of people living in poverty is lower than that of the national average.

One third of the civilian population in Geuda Springs is under the age of 15. The same percentage of civilians is over 25. The highest percentage of adults is 65 and over. A majority of Geuda Springs residents speak English. The majority of people, however, are not fluent in this language. In addition, Geuda Springs residents are non-smokers.

This article provides an overview of the population and steets of Geuda Springs, Kansas. You can move the map around by using the controls on the map. The map information on this website is for reference only and is provided as a service. By submitting information to this website, you agree to abide by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. You can find the latest population statistics on Geuda Springs, Kansas using the links below.

Geuda Springs is a popular health resort located near the city of Salt City. It was originally purchased by the government as an Osage land parcel when it was first brought on the market. The mineral springs and large salt marsh were valued at that time. Geuda Springs City is still being developed today. In the future, the city will have hotels and other buildings constructed.