Halstead, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Halstead City, you've come to the right place. Our Population & Steets in Halstead City table provides the most recent data on population. We've also included other useful information like crime statistics. You can use this information to find out the percentage of residents who are black and white. The Halstead population is made up of primarily white people, though there are also minority groups.

If you're looking for a quick way to get around, you might want to look at the cities surrounding Halstead. Many major cities are located within 96 miles, so if you're looking for cheap flights, you may want to check out the bigger cities nearby. These cities are great for road trips and flight booking between different airports. You can also find smaller towns in Halstead and surrounding areas.

Crime in Halstead is lower than the surrounding cities. According to the table below, the murder rate in Halstead is only slightly above the national average, which is 0.03 per 1,000 people. If you want to know the average rate of crime, the west side of Halstead is the safest part of the city. If you want to check out how safe Halstead is for your family, check out the census data in Halstead City.