Healy, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Healy City, Alaska are presented below. Use the list below to find cities that are near Healy City, or 100 miles away. The population of each city is provided on the website. You can also view a map of the city. It is helpful to have this information before visiting a place. However, if you plan to visit Healy City often, this information may be outdated.

Healy is a census-designated place in Denali County, Alaska. It is a small town, with a population of around 966 as of the 2020 census. Its population decreased by -5.19% from the 2010 census. The median house value in Healy City is $262300, and the median rent is $836 per month. The median age is 42.2 years, with males averaging 44.1 years old and females at 36.2 years old.

The median household income in Healy City is $93,750, a figure that compares to the national median. It is also higher than the median for nearby ZIP codes. The area has a moderate crime rate and low housing prices. The city has a large population of people who are over 65. It is also home to one high school. The city is located near the Denali Borough School District.

The salary package of Healy is not the only reason why he was appointed as mayor of Cambridge. The escalating cost of retirement benefits will increase by tens of millions of dollars in the coming years. In addition to the high salary, Healy will also be covered by life nursing home insurance for himself and his wife. The city's pension will be the largest in the state.