Herington, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets in Herington City, Kansas, you've come to the right place. Listed below are the most recent statistics for Herington City. If you're curious about the city's history, you can learn about its railroad connections in the past. Herington has been served by the Rock Island Railroad and the Cotton Belt Route, and has also been served by the Missouri Pacific.

The median age of the residents of Herington, KS is 43.1. Native-born citizens in the city are on average 44 years old, while foreign-born citizens are slightly younger. The median age of residents is slightly higher than the national average, as the average age is 44. Most of the foreign-born residents of Herington, KS are of Mexican or Indian descent, with 10,675 hailing from Vietnam.

In terms of race and ethnicity, 95.8% of households were white, with 0.6% being African American or Native American. The remaining population is composed of 0.4% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.0% Hispanic, and 3.8% of non-native American. The median income per household was $18,050. This number was based on the county's population estimate. While Herington is not a major metropolitan city, it is still an important place to visit if you're looking to learn more about Herington's demographics.

In 1892, the Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway built a branch line through Herington. The railroad provided the town with many buildings and the city was soon named for its founder, Monroe Davis Herington. Herrington, originally spelled Davis Monroe Herrington, dropped the second "r." The city's first post office was established in February 1884. While there are many historical facts surrounding the city, it's still not clear why the railroad chose the town for its first post office.