Hoyt, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a quick way to find out the Population & Steets in HoYT City, KS, keep reading! You'll be able to see whether the city is more affordable than neighboring communities, as the poverty rate here is lower than in nearby towns such as Americus and Havensville. Take a look at the chart below to find out how many people live in Hoyt.

In 2019, Hoyt was home to 555 people. The median age was 42.6 and the median household income was $58,462. The median household income increased by 13.6% from the previous year, from $51,458 to $58,462. Almost all of the households in Hoyt, KS are White (Non-Hispanic) and speak English as their primary language. Listed below is a breakdown of the races in the city of Hoyt.

The median property value in Hoyt, KS is $103,600. This is 0.431 times less than the national average. It also increased by nearly 11% since the last census. The population of Hoyt, KS is comprised of 315 people and the largest industries are Manufacturing and Health Care & Social Assistance. These industries are responsible for 37 of the city's jobs. The highest paying industries in Hoyt are Transportation & Warehousing and Manufacturing, which both employ almost two people per household.