Kirwin, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kirwin, KS is 166 people, with a median age of 34.5. The median household income is $43,438. As of the 2010 census, the median property value was $38,700. Approximately 83.1% of Kirwin residents were homeowners. Approximately 80% of the households were headed by a white person. Of the 166 people, 4.22% were foreign born.

The most common racial and ethnic groups that live below the poverty line in Kirwin are White (non-Hispanic), Black (Hispanic), and Native American (Native American). These numbers are based on a standard income threshold and family size. For instance, if a family earns $3,000 a year but has no cars, they are considered poor. The average household size is three cars.

The population of Kirwin City is approximately 6000 people. Approximately 8.5% of its residents are Aboriginal. Another 2.5% were born in England, New Zealand, and the Philippines, while only 0.6% were born in Papua New Guinea. Most residents of Kirwin speak only English at home, which is indicative of a diverse ethnic population. If you're interested in learning more about the city, you can use the online resources below to learn more about this diverse community.

In terms of age, people in the ZIP code 67644 are mostly white. There are also large numbers of single adults and middle-aged people. One in three households is senior-aged. In addition, the percentage of households with children below the age of 18 is very small. The city has a large percentage of vacant homes. In the US, that percentage of vacant homes is about 102.7 percent, making it one of the lowest-income cities.