Lacygne, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in La Cygne City, KS are shown below. The population is comprised of a variety of racial groups. Many residents claim to be of the White, African-American, and German races. Many also claim French or Irish ancestry. English is the most commonly spoken language, though Polish is also used. This article will cover some of the other important aspects of the city's population.

The median age of the population was 37.8%. Twenty-five percent of the population was under the age of 18, and 6.4% of households were headed by a woman without a husband. The average age was 37 years old. The male population outnumbered females 90:1; there were 83.1 males for every 100 (18+) females. The population's median income was $32,468.

La Cygne, KS is a city in Kansas. According to the 2010 census, the city's population was 1,149. The ZIP Code for La Cygne is 66040. This code provides information about the population and local institutions in the city. For example, you can use the ZIP code to find schools, hospitals, museums, and other local places of interest. You can also find La Cygne city hall hours online by visiting its official website.