Lake Quivira, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the population and steets of Lake Quivira, Kansas, you've come to the right place. This page contains maps and data on Lake Quivira's racial makeup. You can also see how the area ranks in terms of diversity. The map below displays the population in terms of race, which varies by census block. The darker shades are those where the population is more diverse, while areas in green represent racial mix.

The city is located in Johnson County and stretches into Wyandotte County, Kansas. According to the Geographic Names Information System, the population of Lake Quivira is 938, which represents a 3.53% growth from the 2010 Census. The 2000 Census had a 0.64% increase in the number of residents. There are many factors determining the population makeup of a city, and the statistics above are intended to help you make an informed decision.

The city's population is fairly evenly distributed. There are 8.7% renter-occupied households in the city, compared with 97.9 percent in Unity Village. The city has a lower percentage of renter-occupied households than its neighboring cities, including Mission Hills and Lake Winnebago. Its residents live in rented homes, and only one person in every four of them was evicted in 2016.

Among the cities near Lake Quivira, KS are Topeka, Overland Park, and Kansas City. If you're thinking about taking a road trip, you might want to look into these towns and cities in the area. They are all within 18 miles of Lake Quivira. Check out the links below for more information. When planning your next trip, consider these small towns in the area.