Leawood, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most popular way to commute to work in Leawood is by car, followed by walking and taking the bus or trolley bus. Approximately 13,901 residents commute to work by car, while 168 prefer to walk or take the bus or trolley bus. Leawood has a diverse population of all races and ethnicities. Read below to see how diverse the city is and how much of the population is in one or more racial groups.

In Leawood, KS, there are approximately 13,404 households. Of these, 3,965 households are family households and 9,439 are non-family households. On average, households have 2.58 members and a median household income of $156,538. In terms of housing costs, the median household monthly housing cost is $2,004.

Leawood City is located in Johnson County, Kansas, which is a leading economic and business location. According to the Wichita State University Center for Economic Development and Business Research, the city's population is expected to reach 1.1 million by 2064. A recent study found that a high percentage of residents own their own home. While it is difficult to determine whether Leawood's high rate of ownership is a sign of stability, it is worth considering.

The population of Leawood is diverse and well-educated. A large percentage of residents are college-educated, and the city's public schools are rated high. The average crime rate is lower than the national average, and most homes feature open spaces for children to play. Leawood City is also home to the largest Methodist Church in the United States, as well as AMC Theaters and the American Academy of Family Physicians.