Leoti, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Leoti, Kansas is a small city located in Wichita County. The population is expected to be 1,466 by 2020, and is the county seat of Wichita County. The median household income is $68,306, and the poverty rate is 5.51%. The median rent in recent years has been $682 per month, and the median house value has been $110,800. Leoti has a median age of 41.2 years, which is significantly older than the national average. The average male is 33.9 years old and the median female is 41 years old.

The median property value in Leoti, KS was $88,600 in 2019, which is 0.368 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership is 76.2%, and the median car ownership rate is two per household. Compared to other communities in the U.S., Leoti has a low unemployment rate of 4.41%, and a high homeownership rate of 76.2%.

The percentage of US citizens living in Leoti, KS has increased over the past decade. Between 2013 and 2014, the percentage of Leoti, KS residents who were US citizens was 89.2%. This number represents a decline from the previous year. Leoti, KS is home to a large number of military personnel, and the percentage of people who served is higher than any other conflict in the country.

In Leoti, KS, the median household income is $57,665. It is less than the average American income of $65,712, but the average income for females is $15,986. Compared to the state average of $45,712 and the national average of $23,700, males in Leoti, KS are 1.41 times more likely to be wealthy than females.