Macksville, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Macksville City, you're not alone. Many people are wondering about the population statistics for Macksville, Texas. You may want to find out where the highest crime rates are, and where residents live in safe neighborhoods. Here is some information on the city's population and steets. Listed below are the average number of people per square mile and per household in the city.

In 2016, the population of Macksville City, Texas was 1,710,097. Almost all of the people lived in two-person households. Men lived in a household of two or more people, and women occupied an average of one. One out of every three people is single. The median age of a household in Macksville City, Texas was thirty-two years old. Males outnumbered females 89.2 to one, with the median age being thirty-six years.

The most common race or ethnicity in Macksville, KS is White, followed by Hispanic and Other. The poverty line in the city is based on income, and racial and ethnic groups vary. The median annual income is $53,875. The median household size is 2.4 people. The median family income is $66,378. If you're wondering how many people live in Macksville, KS, consider the following information.

The population of Macksville is 518, which has grown by 2.9% since 2020. The median commute time is 19.3 minutes, compared to the national average of twenty-five. Macksville's median home price is $33,700, and the median home appreciation has climbed by 4.3% over the last 10 years. There are numerous opportunities to live in Macksville. If you're looking for a small town setting, Macksville is the perfect place to live.