Medicine Lodge, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Medicine Lodge City is spread across many demographic categories. There is a high percentage of single people and a low percentage of married people. There is also a large percentage of veterans in the city. In fact, veterans make up about 10% of the civilian population. In addition, there are some people who work from home.

The median household income in Medicine Lodge, KS is $48,052, which is below the average income of $64,994 in the United States. It has decreased by 0.257 from last year. There are 817 households in Medicine Lodge, with 64.0% of them being owner-occupied. The rest are renters.

The median age of Medicine Lodge, KS residents is 48.5. This includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. In addition, only 4.8% of the population has a graduate degree or professional degree. The population of Medicine Lodge is largely comprised of White (Hispanic) citizens, with just under 1% of residents being Asian (Non-Hispanic).

The median property value in Medicine Lodge, KS is $69,800, up from $68,100 in 2016. The city's homeownership rate is 62.6%, with nearly 98.7% of households belonging to a white-collar population. There were 2 cars per household.