Mound Valley, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article, we will look at Population & Steets in Moun Valley City. This is a small city, with a population of approximately 372 people. The city is 0% urban and 100% rural. The average resident age is 47.7 years, which is slightly older than the state average, and the median household income is $564. The median gross rent in Mound Valley City is $564.

The census data for Mound Valley City includes information on the number of households and their ages. About 61 percent of the population is white, while 12.3% of residents are black. Another 7.6% of households included a female householder without her husband. The Census Bureau also includes information on census designated places, unincorporated communities, and other places that are not incorporated. The figures are for the year 2019.