Munden, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Mundened City? If so, you've come to the right place. The population of Munden is approximately 10 percent smaller than the population of Kansas, which is the most similar state. Here are some details you need to know about Munden. Also, see the population breakdown by race and ethnicity. And learn about the number of single mothers, single fathers, and other factors affecting Munden's population.

The City of Munden is a historic town in northern Germany, seated at the confluence of the Fulda and Werra rivers. These two rivers eventually merge to form the Weser River. Munden, officially known as Hann. Munden, is a medieval city situated between Kassel and Gottingen. It has a remarkably preserved town center, with 700 half-timbered medieval houses leaning over cobblestone streets.

The average home value in Munden is $28,400, which is about 0.1118 times smaller than the national average of $240,500. In Munden, KS, the homeownership rate is 83.9%, a number that is higher than the national average of 64.1%. Residents in Munden drive alone to work and commute 16.6 minutes, on average. Munden has an average car ownership rate of three, which is higher than the national average of 65.1%.

The median age in Munden, Kansas is 57.1, which is third highest in the greater Munden area. The highest overall median age is 58.1 in Mahaska, while the youngest is 47.1 in Munden. Below is the median age breakdown for Munden, KS by gender. While Munden is a small town, it is home to several businesses. And it's also home to ProHoe tools.