Ness City, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Neass City, Kansas are listed below. You can also view a map of this location or the surrounding areas. The following table gives you an overview of the town's population, as well as the socioeconomic status. The population of Ness City, Kansas, is similar to the surrounding area. The population of the city is made up of both men and women. The average household income is $69,257, while the average family size is 3.4.

The median age of all residents in Ness City, Kansas, is 41.1. The median age for native-born residents was 45, while foreign-born citizens were thirty-one. While this may not be the most exciting statistic for you, it is good to know that the population of Ness City is getting older. In 2018, the average resident age was 39. Almost 8% of the population of Ness City, Kansas is foreign-born. Among those who are foreign-born, the highest percentage came from Mexico. Mexico had 14,053 of the total population of Ness City, KS, while Vietnam and India each had 10,675 residents.

The median household income in Ness City, KS is $61,681, and the median age is 41.1. The median property value in Ness City is $86,000, and the homeownership rate is 83.1%. According to the Census Bureau, most people in Ness City, KS commuted alone. The average commute time was 11.9 minutes. With a population of 1.57k people, the demographics of Ness City are fairly diverse and diversified.