New Century, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the city's 2010 Census, the Population & Steets were a little different than they are now. The City had a population of 107,875 residents, with twenty-two percent of the population under the age of 18, forty-five percent from the ages of 18 to 64, and fifteen percent from age 65 and older. However, the City's population remained largely the same: forty-nine percent of the population was under the age of 18; sixty-seven percent was between the ages of 18 and 64; and fifteen percent was over the age of 65.

The growth in population and the expansion of industry benefited the middle class, as their incomes rose and their leisure time increased. This resulted in department stores and other businesses to meet the increased demand for material goods. Amusement parks and baseball stadiums were also built to serve aesthetic and recreational needs. General infrastructure and transportation were improved as the demands of middle and upper class city dwellers grew. As a result, a diverse population grew and the city's population began to reflect this.

While the automobile changed the shape of Atlanta, it also transformed the area's development. Streetcars and automobiles made suburban development possible, allowing people to live further away from the city center. As a result, the city's skyline became increasingly shaped by early skyscrapers, such as the Equitable building, Flatiron building, and Empire building. In addition to these early skyscrapers, the city also benefited from the development of new government and commercial buildings.