New Strawn, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of New Strawn is 34 percent female. The birth rate is 6.4% lower than the state average. In this area, one out of every seven couples is married. There are a few things to consider when moving to New Strawn. For one thing, you need to understand the local dialect. The town's population is a mix of English and German. The language of New Strawn is also different from that of other places in Kansas.

The population of New Strawn City, KS is 377. Its median property value is $132,200. This is about 0.55 times smaller than the national average. There are two colleges in the city. The average commute time is 19.9 minutes, which is faster than the national average. There are two public schools and two private schools in New Strawn. The median home price is $133,800. New Strawn, KS home appreciation over the last 10 years is 12.9%.

Despite its modest size, New Strawn is still a bustling community in Coffey County. In fact, the city is the county seat of Coffey County. In 2000, its population reached 425 people. The town is still one of Kansas' fastest-growing communities. If you're interested in the history of New Strawn, be sure to check out this city's website.