Aberdeen is a large city in the north of Scotland. There are over 400,000 people living there, and the population is relatively young, at 16.4%. Its population is mostly white, with the majority being British or Scottish. However, there are a few notable groups in Aberdeen, including the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Scotland. In addition, there are many churches and other institutions that cater to non-religious people, including two LDS meetinghouses. The city also has a large, diverse ethnic population, with nine thousand five hundred people identified as being Asian. In fact, there are more than three thousand Indians and two hundred and eighty-seven Chinese people living in Aberdeen.
The city's historic center includes a wide range of landmark buildings, including the Union Terrace, which was completed in late 2009 and the Denburn Valley Gardens. This tranquil space is one of the few places in Aberdeen where you can find peace and tranquility. A recent proposal to build a three-storey superstructure on the site of the gardens has proven controversial. Nonetheless, the city's history and future are fascinating.
In 2020, the oldest age group in Aberdeen City was 25 to 44, followed by the youngest group, five to nine years old. The average age for females in Aberdeen City is 30. Forty-four and up are the age group that sees the least growth. In Aberdeen City, the number of births will increase by a little more than one percent between 2018 and 2028 compared to the national average.