Adairville, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Adaville City, KY are based on the racial makeup of the city. The city's white population makes up 88% of the total, and there are 132 black or African American residents and 38 two+ individuals. Adairville is home to about 1.29% hispanic residents. The city has a total of 13 people who are hispanic.

The city has a population of 1,368 people. It is an ethnically diverse city, with residents ranging in age from 18 to 65 years old. The majority of the population is White, followed by 8.2% Black, followed by Irish, German, English, and French, respectively. Approximately one-third of the residents have health insurance through their employers or are on Medicaid. However, a small percentage of the population (0.199%) has a non-group health plan.

The median household income in Adairville, KY is $39,130. This is less than the $65,712 national average. This figure is a 9.07% increase from last year. The city's median household income is $39130. If you'd like to find the exact address of the Adairville library, click here. This link will take you to a Google map of the Adairville City, KY.