If you are interested in finding out more information about Population & Steets in Arjany City, Kentucky, read on to discover more about this city and its surroundings. You can also find out about the nearby cities and towns in order to get a better idea of the area. If you are looking for something close to Arjay, KY, you can try searching for cities within four hours' drive.
The population of Arjay City, KY is 440 people strong, with 100% of the population being citizens of the United States. In addition, the median property value was N/A, and the homeownership rate was 72.4%. There are approximately 2 cars per household in Arjay, and most residents drive alone to work. The median age was forty years. Males outnumbered females in Arjay, KY by an average of 82.0 to 1. For every hundred women, there were 77.6 males and one female over eighteen.
ARJAY, KY has a ZIP code of 40902, which is assigned by the United States Postal Service. You can find out more about this zip code by searching a city's address book. The city's name and the zip extension are included with the address. By entering the zip code in the address field, you'll have the city's full address. If you're looking for the ZIP code of a certain residence, you can find it on the Internet.