Ashcamp, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Ashcamp City, there are 1,160 residents. Of these, 622 are males and 538 are females. The average age of the population is 33.4, with 767 births and 776 deaths per year. The race and ethnicity breakdown is similar to other cities in the state, with about the same percentage of black and white residents. You can learn more about the people of Ashcamp in the following table.

When compared to other cities, Ashcamp has a low violent crime rate. For example, it is 1 in 416 violent crime for each thousand Ashcamp city residents. Meanwhile, violent crime is 1 in 715 in the southeast portion of the city. Comparing the two rates isn't intuitive, but you can get an idea of how safe the city is by checking out the map. The east and west parts of the city have lower violent crime rates than the north and south areas.

In Ashcamp City, the primary zip code is 41512. This is located in Pike County. The population of this ZIP code is 976. The city's population density is 1.2 people per square mile, which is less than half the national average. Its median income is $19,395. Its demographics are mostly white, with many married couples living in the city. There are no other cities near Ashcamp.