Barbourville, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Barbourville City? This article provides a quick summary of the city's population demographics. You will also learn how many married couples reside in Barbourville. The percentage of people who are married in Barbourville is higher than the state average. The average family size in Barbourville is 3.1 people. However, the proportion of households headed by a husband and wife is higher in Flat Lick.

The population of Barbourville is diverse. The city's ethnic makeup is broken down by race. Hispanic/Latino population is divided into groups, while the Native American, Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander populations are separate. There are also non-Hispanic white residents in Barbourville. This section also includes a breakdown of the male to female population. This is important information because males outnumber females in Barbourville.

Although Barbourville is a small city, it is home to many places that share the same name. According to USPS data, the ZIP code for Barbourville is 40906, which can be either a city, town, village, or school. Depending on how you'd like to categorize the area, the Barbourville city ZIP code is either a five-digit zip code or a nine-digit, detailed zipcode.

The population of Barbourville City is between 2,500 and 20,000. The city is located outside the metropolitan area in the Eastern time zone and has an average speed of 67 Mbps for wired internet and 169 Mbps for wireless internet. Its median home price is $177,800. Home prices in Barbourville have appreciated at a rate of 0.8% over the last decade. If you're looking for a home for sale in Barbourville City, you'll want to research the local real estate market.