Bee Spring, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Bee Spring, Kentucky area has a population of approximately 1,606 people and 574 households. This population is expected to decrease by -3.13% from 2010 to 2020. The population is also evenly split between males and females, with 1.04 males to every one female. A high school graduation rate of 70.9% is also a positive indicator of a quality community. This is an ideal location for local advertising.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Bee Spring City was 1,030,447 in 2014. This would make it the second-most-populous city in the U.S., behind Austin, Texas. The average age of the residents was 37 years old. In Bee Spring, there were 79% men and 36.9% women. The percentage of people who work in Bee Spring is about 675 per square mile.

The study indicates that pollinator habitat in cities depends on the urban environment. The study suggests a number of planning strategies to improve habitat quality for pollinators. By incorporating natural areas into urban areas, cities can improve the quality of their habitats for native pollinators. In this way, urban dwellers can have a greener, more prosperous community. If these ideas are implemented in Bee Spring City, the results of the research will be useful in improving the quality of life of people and pollinators in the city.