If you want to know about the population of Beech Grove City, you can learn more about the area by looking at the population and steets statistics. Beech Grove is a town in Indiana. The population is approximately 2,000 people. The town has a high level of crime and has experienced several fires. The population is a diverse mix of both residents and visitors. Some of the local attractions include the Beech Grove Bowl, an amusement park that is located at 95 North 2nd Avenue.
In Beech Grove, IN, there is no daily newspaper, although the town did have a free weekly newspaper known as the Perry Township Weekly. The Southside Times left its Main Street location in 2012 and moved to a house on US 31 South. Today, the former home of the newspaper is home to Shupe's Lawn Care. Beech Grove has no local radio station, and is part of the Indianapolis radio/TV market. However, Beech Grove does have its own cable TV Government-access television channel.
In the city of Beech Grove, Indiana, the median age of all people is 36.3 years. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. There are approximately 7,000 households in the city and the median household income is $48,123. The average household income is $55,370. The city has a 73% high school graduation rate. If you are looking for an ad agency in Beech Grove, Indiana, you should look at the steets and population of the area.