Beechmont City, KY is located in Beechmont County, Kentucky. The population was 559 people in 2019, down from 755 people in 2018. The median household income was $45,577, down from $50,000 in 2018. The median age was 48 years. 0% of the population is hispanic, and the most common foreign birthplace was Mexico. The other most common countries of origin were India, Cuba, and England, which each have 11.3 percent of the resident population.
The majority of the population of Beechmont works in sales and service jobs, including fast food restaurants and major sales accounts. The second-largest occupational group in Beechmont is manufacturing. These occupations account for 28.0% of the total work force. Other occupations include professional and clerical jobs. Approximately 16.8% of the working population speaks English. Those working in these fields are most likely to be white or black.
In Beechmont, KY, the median property value is $84,200, which is 0.35 times smaller than the national average of $240,500. Homeownership in the city is 87.4%, and the median car ownership is two. The median commute time is 25.1 minutes, and most residents drive alone. Unlike many other cities, Beechmont has a low vacancy rate, with less than 40.1% of households reporting vacancies in the last year.
Beechmont City has low income residents, and is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the U.S. According to NeighborhoodScout, this neighborhood has a higher percentage of childhood poverty than 71.9% of U.S. neighborhoods. As a result, people in Beechmont consider the area in the eastern part of the metropolis to be the safest. The population density in this neighborhood is very high, and there are a few parks and other areas where people can relax.