The population of Bethelridge is 1,525 people. A male outnumbers a female by nearly two-to-one ratio. The gender breakdown in the city is similar to the state average in Kentucky, which is 49.2% to 50.8%. If you want to know more about the population of Bethelridge, KY, read on to learn more about the area. Population data can be difficult to find, but Radaris can help.
Depending on where you're travelling from, a map of nearby cities can help you plan your trip. You can use it to find cities that are near Bethelridge, KY. This information can be useful if you want to explore the area and find interesting places to visit. Once you have your destination, you can search for flights to nearby cities. These include cities four hours away or more.
The area around major airports can be a prime location for crime. However, crime rates in Bethelridge are actually lower than other cities of the same size. Therefore, it is a safe neighborhood. There are very few residents near major recreational areas, which may make crime rates look higher than they actually are. Moreover, the southwest part of the city is a relatively safe place to live.