What is the Population & Steets in Beverly? Beverly is located in Massachusetts. It has a livability score of 73 out of 100. This livability score measures factors such as crime rate, education, employment, housing, and other important metrics. If you are considering moving to Beverly, make sure to check the livability score. The above-mentioned factors are important to consider when deciding where to live.
The city is surrounded by water on three sides. The ocean lies to the south. Its shore is known for its beaches. Beverly has five elementary schools for children ranging in age from kindergarten to fourth grade. Beverly Middle School was completed in 2018 and serves students in grades five to eight. Beverly High School is the city's public high school and was founded in 1858. Today, it enrolls over 1300 students. The Northshore Academy is an alternative high school provision in Beverly.
The western half of the city is largely urbanized. The eastern part is more rural. The area is home to the Beverly Hills Hotel and Greystone Mansion, which are both popular tourist attractions. The city also boasts two yacht clubs, including the Jubilee Yacht Club, located in Beverly Harbor. The Bass Haven Yacht Club, situated along the Bass River, is another popular attraction. The average house value is lower in this area than in the rest of the city.
The population of Beverly Hills has remained at thirty-five thousand since the 1950s. The city's government aims to protect the neighborhood by carefully regulating new building and land sales. While some people may be celebrities, most are successful businessmen and lawyers. However, some of the residents still pump oil. Nevertheless, the residents of Beverly Hills attract tourists in every way. Tourism is thriving, and the city hosts several world-class events. Visitors to California must experience the city and its surroundings to see how famous it is.