Are you interested in the Population & Steets in Blaines City, Minnesota? If so, you are in the right place! There is information about Blaine City, Minnesota, including its population and ethnicity. Here you can find out if Blaine is smaller or bigger than the average Minnesota city. The birth rate is much lower than the average, at 5.1%. The median age of residents is 38.
You can find out what type of transportation Blaine residents use to get to work and school. The city's population is low near parks and major airports. Few residents live near these places, so crime rates can be higher than they appear. Just remember, crime happens where people congregate, not where you live! This information is based on the most recent available American Community Survey data. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.
You can find the Blaine household size by selecting an icon. The icon will link you to further information on the chosen place. The information will include the age group, gender, race, and ethnicity of the residents. The information is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and is rebased to account for changes in census block data. So, if you're interested in seeing the population of Blaine, MN, it might be helpful to look at this information.
In terms of race and ethnicity, Blaine is considered a very family-friendly community. More than 80% of residents are married and 54% have children. The average household size is 2.73 people. This city is known for its friendly population, and is a great place to raise a family. If you're looking for a home for sale in Blaine, MN, you can find out more information about the neighborhood by viewing its demographics.