If you're looking for more information on Caneyville, KY, you may be interested in the population and steets data. Caneyville, Kentucky, has a population of 603 people and has grown by about 1.3% since the year 2000. The median home value in Caneyville is $95,900. Home appreciation over the past 10 years has been at a rate of 0.8%.
As for its population, Caneyville has a population density of 58%, which is below the state average of 68.2 people per square mile. The nearest city, Leitchfield, has a population of 6,789, which is much higher. Despite its lower population density, the city is growing and its employment rate is increasing. Caneyville's population growth is slower than the surrounding communities.
Rent burden data is helpful in determining housing affordability. The median rent in Caneyville was $452 per month in 2010; in comparison, the state average was $675. In neighboring cities, the median rent was $345. And, according to the Census, 36.6% of housing units in Caneyville are renter-occupied. This means that the city's residents pay a high percentage of their income on rent.
The diversity of Caneyville can be determined by the percentage of residents who belong to the minority groups. There are 649 White residents in Caneyville, KY. The second most common group is Two+. Caneyville has a 1.8% Hispanic population. Despite its diverse population, Caneyville's minority status is low. The city's median property value is $96,400.