To find out more about Central City, CO, use the information below to learn more about the people who live in the area. The population of Central City is 644 people, and the most common race is white. The next most common race is two+, with 18 residents being that race. The third most common race is hispanic, with 4.91% of the population being that race. There are seven different races in Central City.
The historic city of Central, Colorado, is the largest home rule city in Gilpin County, and is the most populated municipality in Clear Creek County. It has a population of 779, according to the 2020 census. Central City was founded during the Pike's Peak gold rush, and soon became known as the "richest square mile on Earth."
The population of a central city affects a city's overall well-being, but it has distinct adverse impacts on the surrounding suburbs. Increasingly expensive property taxes and poorer quality services reduce the income and well-being of residents. Meanwhile, job migration from the central city to the suburbs reduces access to low-skilled jobs. The spatial mismatch between the suburbs and the central city can create a variety of problems.
As of 2010, the population of Central City was 1.4 million people. Almost half of these residents were black. Aside from black people, there were whites, Hispanics, and Asians. A total of eighty-four percent of the population is white. The city is home to the First Kentucky Bank, Inc. branch, located at 109 North Second Street. The bank was founded on 1934/06-01 and is now owned by Exchange Bancshares, Inc. The bank's institutionalized population is below the state average.