Did you know that there are 130 people and 116 households in Delphia, Kentucky? The median home value is $44,444, and the average household size is 2.44. The population is expected to decrease by -5.3% by the year 2050, and you can read about its ethnic breakdown here. The city's residents are largely white with only 0.0% of its population being black or Asian.
The city had a rough reputation. The city's population was populated by a large number of people who did not fit into the conventional definition of a'respectable' male or female. Most of the population were stifled by societal norms determining appropriate gender roles. Many of these people lived in boardinghouses, inns, and lodging houses. Other people lived in small stores and huckster shops catering to other women.
Most of the city's residents identify themselves as Christian, and most of them attend one of the major Protestant denominations. About 41% of the population belongs to a Protestant church, while 26% of people profess Catholic beliefs. The rest of the population belongs to other denominations. This includes Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. Those living in the city's suburbs belong to several different faiths, including Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish.
Despite its small population, the city's economy flourished as its residents migrated from the southern United States. The city was a hub for the transportation of goods, with hundreds of ships docking at the Delaware River each year, unloading imported goods from the West Indies and Europe. These goods were sold at Market Street, and many of the merchants were wealthy enough to afford the high real estate in the center of the city.