Dunmor, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dunmor is diverse, and residents report a variety of racial groups. Most residents report White ancestry, with 0.7% reporting American Indian ancestry. A small percentage report other races, including Hispanic, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander descent. The most common languages spoken are English, Italian, and Polish. Other languages spoken in the city include Dutch and Korean.

The median household income in Dunmor, KY is $44,531, less than the national average of $65,712 per person. The median household income is based on 27 industries in Dunmor, including Manufacturing, Construction, and Health Care & Social Assistance. This makes up the majority of the economy. Dunmore is home to 17 people employed in Manufacturing and Construction. The other industries in Dunmor are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Construction. These three industries contribute roughly 40% of Dunmor's economy.

The median property value in Dunmor, KY was $118,800 in 2019. This is 0.494 times lower than the national average, but it still represents a modest increase. Dunmor's homeownership rate is 86.9%, which is higher than the national average. Dunmor's median age is 48.2, with 47-year-old males and 48-year-old females.

The median household income for the racial and ethnic groups living in Dunmor is $42,600. This is slightly lower than the national average, but it's still higher than the median household income for Americans. In Dunmor, Kentucky, 94.4% of households have health coverage. About half (51%) have employee health plans. Another 4.23% have Medicaid or Medicare. While 0% have no insurance, a small percentage of Dunmor residents are uninsured.